Sunday, July 29, 2012

My First Newborn Session!

An old friend got in touch with me not too long ago and asked if I would be interested in doing her newborn's photos. Of course, I hopped on that like hungry wolves on a juicy steak! I've never had the chance to take newborn pictures, so this was very exciting for me. I've heard you have to have a lot of patience to do baby pictures and I finally found out firsthand. He was a little on the fussy side through most of it, but he was completely adorable and I enjoyed every minute of it ☺

 100% Boy!

 Fresh from Heaven

 Isn't he the cutest thing?! I so enjoyed taking these pictures and it was an excellent time to catch up with my friend. He is a beautiful little boy!
Remember to check out and like my page on Facebook and follow my boards on Pinterest!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Laugh a Little

Sometimes we could use a pick-me-up. Just a little something to put a smile on our faces. Maybe these candid pictures I found on Pinterest can be of use to you for just that!
 (Click an image to enlarge!)

 I laugh every time I see these pictures!
Remember: Smile ☺

Making It New Again

Have you ever wondered around a thrift store looking at charming old decor, thinking It's cute, but it wouldn't fit in around my home, simply because it was outdated? Well don't rule out something adorable simply because it needs some TLC. I found this sassy Kitchen Closed sign for a dollar. All it needed was a few coats of acrylic paint, some artificial flowers, and a new ribbon- now it looks brand new!
It makes a lovely addition to our kitchen ☺
Thrift store cow hanger for $1

Kitchen Closed: This heifer has had it!

So are there any thrift store finds you've come across that you fixed or updated?

I'd love for you to share!
As always, find me on Pinterest and Facebook!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Seaside Photography

So while I was away at Children's Camp in Elberta, Alabama, I had the opportunity to take some really great shots of the pier out on Wolf's Bay. The weather was so lovely, with calm waves and a beautiful orange sunset. This made for some awesome photos!

 Camp is all about giving God the glory! And I give Him praise for the seven professions of faith we had ☺
Find me on Pinterest and Facebook!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Easy Picture Book

Hey everybody! I have another craft to share with you ☺ My boyfriend randomly asked me one day if I would make him a picture book. I said sure, kinda worried it would be bland, but he had faith in me! He knows I love using my imagination, and being a little silly doesn't hurt. So I looked through all the pictures we had taken together from the beginning of our relationship til now. I chose my 45 favorites and put them in order of how they were taken. Now, here's the best part- I didn't have to fork out a lot of money to do this project. Walgreens has photo specials all the time, and one I got was buy 25 4X6 prints, get 25 free! How awesome is that? So look often on their website for really sweet specials. Enjoy!

All You Need Is:
- A photo album with about 50 pages (Mine had 48 and I got it at the Dollar Tree)
- Old magazines
- Stickers
- And of course, your photos ☺
 The old magazines will be your best friend when you want to describe a certain photo. Cut out words or phrases that would make sense on a picture. Stickers work well, too, but magazine cutouts can be put together to form sentences- instantly making it more personal! I had to cut out the magazine words and organized them into clear cups, writing what kind of words they were on the outside. This makes it easier to find what you want when you need it without having to dig through a huge stack!
Using the first few pages of the photo album (including the inside cover), I left my boyfriend a personal note and made an "About Us" page that displayed our anniversary date, birthdays, and interests. Then using some of the magazine cutouts, I made a collage that started with "Jamie is..." then picked words that best described my man.

 Each of the photos were dated on the back so I wouldn't lose track of what went where. On the fronts, I also put dates, but I sometimes had multiple photos taken on the same day. The first photo would be dated, then the rest simply followed after til a new date was reached. 
I personalized the front and back covers of the photo album from a simple blue polka dot image to a more graphic floral one. The back cover was replaced with a green polka dot that matched the cover with a small owl sticker placed on the bottom- because I like owls.. A lot. 

What my boyfriend doesn't know, unless he someday takes a peek at this blog, is that I wrote love quotes on the back of the photos. Not all of them have one, but most of them do. I thought this was a simple yet oh-so-sweet thing to do!

I hope you like this craft as much as I do! Oh, and just so you know, my boyfriend loved it ☺ Have a blessed day!


Ok, so I have the best boyfriend in the world! He brought me a kitten yesterday! I love fluffy things and there's almost nothing cuter than a kitten. I decided I would name him Mocha, and when asked why I picked that name, I said, "Because he looks like chocolate and cream." Which he does. He's adorable!

What do you think of the newest addition to my family?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Words of Wisdom

It's been awhile since I posted some Words of Wisdom. So let's get to it!
In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. I know they are there to eavesdrop for the angels. - Dodinsky

I go fishing not to find myself, but to lose myself. -Joseph Monniger

A few more that I adore about fishing:
  • Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths. –Jimmy D. Moore
          (I don't think my boyfriend would argue ☺)
  • No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man. –Heraclitus
  • Fishing provides that connection with the whole living world. It gives you the opportunity of being totally immersed, turning back into yourself in a good way. A form of meditation, some form of communion with levels of yourself that are deeper than the ordinary self. –Ted Hughes
Aren't these great? I hope you all have a very blessed day ☺
Find me on Pinterest and follow my blog for more Words of Wisdom!