Thursday, February 5, 2015

2015?? Really???

Woah. It's been a hot minute since I've posted... Allow me to apologize and maybe share what's been going on in my life (not that anybody is interested- you can always skip this post ;))

I did my fourth year of summer missions work with churches throughout my county. I made a new bestie through that, and am so glad God brought her into my life! She is awesome! I'm in the middle of decision making time, whether or not I will do it again this coming summer. I'm leaning toward yeeeess, unless something else pops up that will have me too busy. But I'm super excited either way!

Let's see, I went to Children's Hope in Jacmel, Haiti for the second time back in August. It was just as incredible on the second round as the first! This time we did less community work, and stayed mostly at the orphanage getting to know the kids and helping our hosts with anything they requested.

I'm currently substitute teaching in an elementary school. It's really opened my eyes to if I think education is really where I want to be. I feel God's calling in my life is to work with children, but maybe He's leading me to work outside of the United States. I gots some prayin' to do! (Considering I'll be back in school soon!)

I think that's a sum-up of all the big stuff. Not too much going on. Oh, yeah! I also started singing in the church choir since my mom became the music leader. Like what even? But anywho, I've been meaning to get some new crafts and different things posted, but my blog is a back burner type of thing; I do it when I can/want to.

Hopefully, I'll be posting some new things very soon.. so keep a look out! ☺